Considering Halloween is just around the corner, I figured I'd try a few simple makeup looks. These four looks are so easy to recreate and could be paired with really simple costumes.
To make yourself look like a cartoon, use a white eyeliner to draw white circles all of your face. Then grab a black eyeliner to fill your eyebrows in (they look better when they are darker) and outline a tear shape under one of your eyes, fill this in with blue eyeliner or shadow. Next using the same black liner follow the shape of your jaw and nose, then outline your lips. Finally put on a bright red lipstick on, and with the white eyeliner just draw a small triangular shape (to look like a reflection) and outline this with the black liner. This is so easy to do, and if you pair it with a logo t-shirt and jeans, you have a costume!
This next one I created on my friend, it's a half skeleton look, which can be worn with anything black and looks really good. Firstly, do your usual face of makeup on one half of your face and on the other use a really pale foundation, or a white face paint (just make sure it is something much paler than your usual skin tone). Next, using a black eyeliner draw a circle around your eye, fill this with black eyeshadow. Then using the same black eyeliner draw around your temples, jaw, eyebrows, nose (add a triangle shape on the tip of your nose). Draw an extended line from your mouth and put small vertical lines all the way down this line to look like teeth also do this onto your lips . Fill in the space between your hair line and the line along your temples with black liquid liner, do the same under your chin and fill in the triangle on your nose. Then, finally with a black pencil liner just add some lines, to look like cracks under the eye and where the face is separated (skeleton/normal).

To turn yourself into a pumpkin all you need to do is create a really orange base. I used lots of layers of foundation and over the top a really orange toned bronzer, and the key is to just keep adding more layers (I also just did a winger black liner and added some mascara). Then once you've got an orange base you are happy with, use a black eyeshadow to draw triangles coming down from the bottom of your eyes (and add some black contour if you like). Then using a black pencil liner draw vertical lines down your face, smudge those lines and the triangles slightly. Over the top of your mouth, using a black liquid liner draw a traditional cut out pumpkin mouth and fill it in. To go with this you could wear black, orange, or even green- like the pumpkin stalk.
I always find the easiest way to make a costume for Halloween is to get one of your friends, then make the look like a half- skeleton. To finalise the look all you need is a lot of duct tape. You tape them to an enormous plank of wood. Put a little hole in the wood and out a chain through it. Then dress yourself in a black cloak and pull the chain.